Where can I find my referral code?

Mary Kome

Last Update 2 years ago

There are two means for you to check your referral code on the Flickwheel mobile app.

1• From your Home Screen on the mobile app, you can click on your profile icon on the upper left part of the screen. This leads you to the account page.

On the account page, click on the “Tell a friend” button, which leads you to the referral page.

2• Click on the Flicks icon on the Home Screen of your mobile app. There you’ll see “refer and earn”, click on it and you’re on the “Tell a Friend” page. 


Click on 'Tell a friend’ and view your referral code. Share your unique code or copy code and share with friends. From your 'Account Hello There, I use flickwheel to service my car. Sign up now for a vehicle service using this code - BVUCsq58mE' page.

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